Community Halls
Glendon and District Senior Citizens Drop-In Centre
To rent this space, please call Gladys Pshyk at (780) 573-6220 or (780) 635-2256.

Glendon Arena
Ph: (780) 545-4890 (Samantha)
The Glendon arena is operated and maintained by the Glendon Agricultural Society. The arena meets regulation Hockey Canada AA standards and has a seated capacity of 600 fans.
For rental inquires please call or text Renee. For rental fees please visit the Ag Society website:
RCMP Century Hall
Ph: 780-573-8011 (Andrea)
The Glendon Agricultural Society operates the Glendon RCMP Century Hall, a facility constructed in 1972. In 2016, the Hall hosted 38 events. These events include the Ukrainian Dance Club’s Annual Zabava, weddings, funerals, banquets, meetings and dances. All Hall events have the opportunity to use the famous catering services of the Glendon Catering Club. Call 780-614-8214 to book the services of the Catering Club.
The hall has a seated occupancy of 500 people. They have round and rectangle tables. The chairs are blue.
To book the hall please contact Andrea Wolosiewicz.
For hall rental rates please visit the Ag Society website:
Glendon Curling Club Rink
Ph: (780) 645-8055 (Rhonda)
Social Media: Facebook
The Glendon Curling Club, established in 1953, is located in Glendon, Alberta. Our facility includes three curling sheets and a comfortable lounge area.
- pool table, lounge and general viewing area – come and socialize with your community members!
- the lounge and ice is available year-round to rent for personal, business or groups and organizations
Glendon Fitness Center
Opening soon. Stay tuned for updates.
Community Halls
Glendon Roller Derby League
Social Media: Facebook
Offers a junior (ages 8-17) and senior (ages 18+) ladies age groups. Practices run every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Please email or visit their Facebook Page for more information about joining!

Glendon Shevchenko Ukrainian Dance Club
President : Krysten Kwiatkowski
Vice President : Janice Voltner
Ph: (780) 207-5263
Social Media: Facebook
The Glendon Shevchenko Ukrainian Dance Club is a non-profit group offering classes for ages three to adults! From traditional dances to costumes, the club provides opportunities for members to participate in dance festivals and competitions. Classes will start in Fall 2018 and run once a week until mid-April. Zabava will be celebrated on March 30, 2019! Tickets will go on sale by Christmas time.
For more information about joining, please contact Krysten Kwiatkowski via phone or Facebook!
Glendon Curling Club
President: Rocky Doonanco
Vice President: Kirsten Voltner
Ph: (780) 645-8055
Social Media: Facebook
The Glendon Curling Club, established in 1953, is located in Glendon, Alberta. Our facility includes three curling sheets and a comfortable lounge area.
The Glendon Curling club is a member of both the Northern Alberta Curling Association and the Canadian Curling Association, thus members have the opportunity to compete provincially and nationally!
New curlers are always welcome and we offer FREE lessons for beginner curlers!
Friday Night Fun League from January to March with any team makeup – mixed, mens or ladies
The club also runs school curling lessons for Grades 4 to 12 with teams in the Junior and Senior High School competitive league
Glendon Minor Hockey Association
From : Glendon Minor Hockey Association has been a part of Glendon for over 36 years and through the tireless efforts of parents and grandparents, we continue to thrive. Our parents volunteer in our arena concession, at casinos and at various fundraisers throughout the year. These fundraising efforts keep Glendon Minor Hockey’s registration affordable to all Glendon and area families.
For more information about playing, please visit their Facebook Page.

Glendon Lady Jaguars Hockey
Ph: (780) 207-0480 (Danielle Kwiatkowski)
Social Media: Facebook
The Glendon Lady Jaguars Hockey team encourages any female players ages 16 and older to join the team! The goal of the team is to create an atmosphere that encourages more ladies to try the sport out. We are a group of ladies that are focused on fun, and not the calibre of hockey played. For more information about playing, please contact us!
Glendon Skating Club
PreCan and CanSkate Programs are offered two nights every week from October to March. The club organizes an annual carnival in March.
For more information in joining the Skating Club, please visit their Facebook Page : Facebook
Glendon Coyotes Old Timers Hockey
For more information about playing, please call (780) 673-4739.
Glendon Jets Hockey
For more information about playing, please call (780) 812-8708.
Country Classic Car Club
Glendon Car Club
Box 499
Glendon, AB T0A 1P0
President : Ryan Genest
Social Media : Facebook
The car club is seen every year at the Glendon Cruise Night. Anyone who likes old vehicles and wants to be seen on Cruise Night, should check out these guys.